[Apocalypse.cow] Service Oriented Agony

De Blende, Christophe christophe.deblende op vlaanderen.be
Wo Aug 22 21:52:01 CEST 2018


voorbeelden binnen onze projecten:

  *   DSI
  *   GPBV
  *   Erkenningen
  *   DMVB
  *   ETS of MDO
  *   Seveso

So what’s the solution? First of all, I question whether the system needed to be partitioned into services. Services are expensive and complicated, you should only create them if you absolutely need to. It’s always easier to live in a single process. Remember Martin Fowler’s first law of distributed objects: Don’t distribute your objects.


Like I said, I see this kind of partitioning a lot; and it always has the same outcome. It slows development because it smears features through many different layers. Many systems could be streamlined, and development made much faster, if the system designers paid more attention to the Single Responsibility Principle.

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