[Apocalypse.cow] FW: [JavaSpecialists] 15000 Push-Up Challenge

Buntinx, Johan johan.buntinx op vlaanderen.be
Ma Okt 1 10:10:25 CEST 2018

Van: Johan Buntinx <johan.buntinx op gmail.com>
Datum: maandag 1 oktober 2018 om 10:09
Aan: "Buntinx, Johan" <johan.buntinx op vlaanderen.be>
Onderwerp: Fwd: [JavaSpecialists] 15000 Push-Up Challenge

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From: Heinz Kabutz <heinz op javaspecialists.eu<mailto:heinz op javaspecialists.eu>>
Date: Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 7:28 PM
Subject: [JavaSpecialists] 15000 Push-Up Challenge
To: <johan.buntinx op gmail.com<mailto:johan.buntinx op gmail.com>>

Our career as programmers means we sit a lot.  Some have standing or walking desks. That's great, but not exactly exercise.  I teach a lot of programmers around the world and even though there are some that take care of themselves, a lot of us do not.

Last month we did a challenge to try run at least one mile a day for 40 days without a break.  The response was overwhelming, as were the stories that the finishers sent me afterwards.  The biggest complaint I heard was of Java programmers who had missed the start and thus could not join in the fun.

This time we will do a push-up challenge.  We start slowly and gradually build up until we do 5000 push-ups in February 2019, so 15000 in total.  Push-ups are achievable for most people, barring shoulder injuries or other physical disabilities.  We will take our time with this and not force ourselves to do them every day.

Here is my thinking:

1. We start October 1st, 2018 and finish 28th February 2019.  Five months in total.
2. Each month gets more difficult, as we also build muscles and strength.  October is 1000 push-ups (bronze), November 2000 (silver), December 3000 (gold) and January 4000 (platinum).  February is the shortest month and at 5000 push-ups (diamond) also the hardest.  15000 push-ups in total.
3. You can take as many days off as you need to recover your muscles, but remember that you then have to catch up.  That might be hard and discouraging.
4. At the end of each month we will have a checkpoint.  Those that confirm that they completed their numbers get to stay in the challenge.  We retire those that did not.  If you like, you can have your name listed on our page, together with the level you achieved.
5. We cannot bank push-ups for the next month.  You are welcome to do more than the required push-ups, but they do not carry forward to the next stage.  So for February 2019 you need to get past 5000 push-ups to complete the challenge.

For example, John Black cranks out 1000 push-ups in October, but only manages 1800 in November.  His name goes on the list as having achieved bronze status in the challenge.  We don't mention his 1800 in November.  Antonia Groen keeps up for 3 months, but then loses interest and stops.  We mention her as achieving gold status.

I am going to join the challenge.  I know it's a long slog doing this for five months and will pace myself, building up strength over time.  I am already 46 years old and weigh 112 kg.  If I can do it, so can you (barring disability and injuries).  Give it a try.  Do lots of very short sets in the beginning until the strength builds up.  Then increase the sets until you can to about 20 per set.  No need to go beyond that.  Even 15 is great.

Don't only do push-ups.  They are great exercise, but your whole body needs a work-out.  Go for a run.  Dust off that old bicycle.  Or do some crunches and squats.

To join in the fun, please head over here:


Kind regards from Crete


P.S. The second day will be sore.  Just warning you :-)

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